TUED International Events Association of Turkey, where I am the President, has celebrated its New Year party in my garden, this year!
31 Aralık 2021Turkey will grow with women’s power!
10 Ocak 2022
Türkiye iş kadınları olarak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Nureddin Nebati’ nin davetiyle Dolmabahçe Cumhurbaşkanlığı Çalışma Ofisindeyiz. Soru ve cevaplarla ülkemizin ekonomi gidişatını tartışacağız…
We, as Turkish Businesswomen, are in a meeting with The Minister of Treasure and Finance, Mr. Nureddin Nebati. The meeting will consist of questions and answers and we will discuss the situation in Turkey economy