I will start writing my second book nowadays…

One more education program is over… I can’t wait for the next ones!
18 Mart 2020
It’s the time of cherry blossoms now and here is a wedding I designed several years ago with cherry blossoms…
24 Mart 2020

My book ‘ Weddings and Istanbul’

Everybody is passing through very difficult times.. We all left our offices and waiting at home for this catastrophe to pass. But we can still be very productive.. For instance, I will start writing my second book nowadays.. And here is my first book ‘ Weddings and Istanbul’ Have it, read it and just be happy with the wonders I created👌Hepimiz birden ne kadar da zor zamanlardan geciyoruz. Evlere tikildik ve bu felaketin gecip gitmesini bekliyoruz. Ama hala uretken olabiliriz. Ornegin ben ikinci kitabimi yazmaya karar verdim. Ve lste size ilk kitabim ‘Dugunler ve Istanbul’.. Biryerlerden bulun, okuyun ve yarattigim hayal alemleri icinde gezinin.. 👌